Saturday, May 03, 2008

Queensday 08

29/04/2008 - 30/04/2008

Got to celebrate another Queensday in Amsterdam. Was awesome again!! Such a mental party!!

Me full of "Dutch Pride" (or perhaps Heineken)

Day 1.

Festivities kicked off the night before when Dad, Jodi and I attended the Drag Queen Olympics. Quite a laugh indeed.

We were just in time for the "Hand Bag Throwing" contest

Jodie came from Scotland to check out the orange madness. Met up with Mum's friend Linda who was blown away. First time to Amsterdam on Queensday can be a bit overwhelming. It was the first time in 20 years Dad and her had seen each other.

Day 2. Lottie teaching me the Dutch ways whilst sporting our orange mullets.

Jodi chilling in the park with one of 2 rad hats we stumbled upon.

Me with the German Helmet we also found.

Dad, the Last of the Orange Moheakin's!!

Orange antics

Partyin on the canals!! Such a crazy day and so much fun.

Lottie and Jodie disappointed that there cups of Sangria were empty.

But this sign looked mighty promising.

And an awesome sunset to close an awesome day!!!

Random Holland Pix

A few assorted pix from assorted going ons in the land of clogs!!

How one entertains themselves on those boring train journeys.

A day out in Scheveningen!! (Try and pronounce that!!)

Random artwork by the beach.

Did you just touch my ass???

Celebrating the Lovely Lottie's 23rd b'day!! (or was it 25th?? oops)

And once again another celebration in the name of Lottie. A farewell/graduation/b'day again./anything else you can think of to celebrate!!

Spring time in Holland = FLOWERS!!!!

More spring pix. Thank god winter is KLAAR!!

Newton Faulkner

Newton Faulkner - Melkweg - 16/04/2008

Lottie and I went to see Newton Faulkner at the Melkweg in Amsterdam. Was absolutely AWESOME!!

Neither of us knew him but were recommended by Lot's friend. He was fantastic and so much fun to see live.

Doing a acoustic cover of Bohemian Rhapsody as his final song.

The dude with the crazy hair is the support act Liam Gerner. He was awesome too and Aussie. Got chatting to him and his friends after the gig. Was a cool night out!!

Duiken In Zeeland (diving in bloody cold Zeeland)

To celebrate Lottie's 23rd (oops i mean 25th) year of life we went diving in Zeeland (south Holland)

This sign pretty well sums up my life in the not to distant future!!

Lottie trying to look disgruntled after missing our 7am train on a sunday morning!!

Fellow lunatics. Karel and Liselotte!!

Checking the first dive site. "Grevelingen" Blissfully unaware at how cold 5.8 degree water actually is!!

Gearing up!!

Dive site 2 "Scharendijke". Slightly warmer at 6.2 degrees!!

The visibility looked deceivingly good. It was less than a meter!! But so much fun.

Slightly apprehensive about getting in the water for a second time!!

Stoked at surviving 2 freezing but absolutely awesome dives!!

The warming up process begins!!!

Work Pix

A few more pix from work!!

Me with the ridiculously over sized nail gun.

Dad and our curved wall which is taking longer than the Great Wall of China to build.

My hard hat. Got sick of being called English. Now I get called SKIPPY!!

Dad pointing to my massive blood loss!! Construction can be dangerous at times.

Very dangerous when Danny the giant Dutchman is about!!

Snow @ Easter???

It snowed at Easter for the first time since 1980 or something. Which was pretty cool!!

Some pix from Vondelpark.

Finally got to do a Snowangel!! Just for you Nat!!

A somewhat sad attempt at a snowman!!

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